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时间:2024-06-22 16:39:47





Teaching Aims:

1. To clarifythe difficult pointsand check the answers;

2. To draw inferences about other cases from one instanceand improve the ability of solving problemsfurther;

3. To arrange the key knowledge.

Teaching Important Points:

1. To sum up the rules;

2. To make the students learn to master how to do the cloze tests.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. To train the students to grasp the procedures and skills of doing the Complete Sentence;

2. To improve the skills of solution.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1.Analysis of the papers

1. State the scores of the students in brief

2. Explain the difficult points of each item

Step 2.Explain the paper

Listening problems

1. Analyzethe errorand give some suggestions to students.

2. Explain some titles that have the lowest proper rates

3. Show the whole proper answers of listening test.

Best Answers

1. Translate the difficult and long sentences into Chinese

2. Show all the answers of choice question test


Cloze Test

1. Show the answers of cloze test.

2. Explain the more difficult problems.

3. Sum up the ways of cloze test

Main idea:苏珊的“魔毯”:女儿生日那天,她最好的朋友苏珊送给她一块地毯的零头布料。女儿失望地说:“难道这就是我的好朋友吗?送给我一小块毫无用处的地毯!”然而,在拜访过苏珊家之后,这块地毯像被施了魔法一般,变成了女儿最宝贵的生日礼物。

Reading Comprehension

1. First call some students to state their own ideas, then guide them to get the proper answers.

2. Ask the students who are better at English give their good methods about each title.

3. Sum up the better ways to do reading.

Passage A: 提供行程,有披头士、迪伦、西部村庄还有联合广场key word: tour

Passage B:Emma Orbach,58岁,毕业于牛津大学,13年来其一直远离主流社会,居住在威尔斯山中自建的泥草屋里, 过着原始而自给自足的生活。她将这个泥草屋命名为Tir Ysbrydol即威尔士的“精神之家”。

Passage C:经济危机了,有些人失业了,有些人减薪了,油价还上涨了。这一切曾经离我们很遥远,但是在过去的这两年,它们恰恰都发生在我们身边。听说“小黄金”的时候好些人都选择了市内旅游,甚至有人干脆就在家待着,度过一个安静又不拥挤的staycation。Staycation(家中度假,还可以拼为stay-cation或stacation)是 到经济危机期间失业率和油价不断攀升的情况下迅速走红的一个词,指一个人或一家人待在家里休息或者在附近区域景点游览度假的一段时光。

Passage D:洛杉矶警方控枪妙招:用购物卡换枪

Passage E:减少饮食中的含盐量

Complete Sentence

1. Inform the students of the skills

2. Analyzethe structure of each sentence

3. Understand the grammar of testing each sentence


71. (should) be moved 考查虚拟语气与被动语态

72. saying a word 考查非谓语动词用法

73. will I eat 考查倒装句

74. to be given 考查动词不定式的被动语态作后置定语

75. in case he forgets 考查固定词组

76. was introduced 考查非限制性定语从句,introduce sb to sb

77. money less than 考查比较级用法

78.after we obtain what we want 考查强调句型与名词性从句what

79.it is wise of 考查否定转移与it作形式主语

80.coped with 考查省略句

Step 3. Homework

Appraise the composition and make your own composition better.

